City Collection


City Collection

"Design is defined by light and shade, and appropriate lighting is enormously important.
Decorating is not just a look, it's a point of view."

- Albert Hadley

The Perfect Lighting For Every Application

The New York is a slender, elegant light with fine features projecting its light out at 120-degrees due to the reflective nature of the concrete. This makes the light ideal for lighting driveways, pathways or general low-level lighting along a boundary wall or building.

The Jo’burg is the little brother of the New York with the same elegant features. Due to the smaller size, the Jo’burg is a very affordable option for lighting driveways, pathways and even as foot lighting on stairways or timber boardwalks.

The Shanghai is bold statement of design and elegance which illuminates to two sides. This makes the fitting ideal for lighting up pathways next to landscaped areas where both the pathway and landscaping is illuminated.
The Moscow is a bold light with strong features. It throws a 180-degree light to the front of it making it ideal for lighting up general circulation areas, driveways and footpaths.

The Venice is a classic design producing a beautiful reflection of light on its concrete body. It is ideal for illuminating walkways and for foot lighting at stairways and timber boardwalks.


We are transforming ideas and concepts into award-winning products.